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Operator last won the day on August 9

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  • Satam

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  1. @Satam Well that's cool but I still side with my opinion. Frank needs to brush those upper teeth though, that's for sure.
  2. The yelling head looks like overkill when these cameras are all zoomed in on him like that. But I feel like it's not near as bad looking in person.
  3. I would say the mezco version looks less like Lockjaw but you are right about how they should have included a Kirby head or faceplate on the Legends figure. That is in agreement with @MODADDYDODOK by the way.
  4. @since83 Ha, I very well could. I'm now curious if I can find a local glassblower that can make one as close to the reference as possible. 🙂
  5. I know he is suppose to have light green underwear, boots, and gloves but he still looks good with the whites imo. He'll do for me until the blue upgrade comes along.
  6. I wouldn't have guessed this was Dracula. To me, he looks like an evil elf from D&D or something. 😁
  7. I was leaning toward something in the 55-65 range but who knows with these guys.
  8. I haven't seen that before you mentioned it. Now I am extremely tempted to order one with the early bird price.
  9. Very excited for these two. I don't have the other inhuman characters hoping they will update Black Bolt with a better body and Medusa in a classic costume. Also didn't pick up Karnak out of spite I guess because it annoyed me that they used that older Spider-Man body.
  10. Maybe not this soon but I can see them getting a Thunderbolts Punisher.
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