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  1. That X-Men wave sounds like a great mix… only, that Gambit is probably the nail in the coffin for my already unlikely hope of another AOA wave with Havok. 😔
  2. CLASSIC NEW MUTANTS!! Every now and then, I think about how, if that movie hadn't bombed, we'd already have all of them by now. 😔
  3. Glad to see Cortez on there - he’s one X-villain who demanded to be made, IMO. Husk will be exciting for a lot of folks, too, and is a good sign for Gen X fans. Of course, I’m always checking these lists for the OG New Mutants. -sigh- Maybe ‘26 will be our year.
  4. Cyclops’s effects look awesome. BUT, can someone explain to me why on earth people keep making AOA Cyclopses that are clean shaven? The guy had scruff, it was part of his look! Even the original, 90s Toybiz version got that right. I just can’t understand why they keep leaving that out - literally the only reason I skipped the ML figure.
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