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  1. I would love to have this figure, but like most of you I feel that it is out of price range. I am not saying quality isn't there but sometimes it is hard to get $20 figures when bills come around.
  2. The biggest thing on the forums is trust, 99.9% of the time you will have good buys/sales/trades but you will always get that 1 that does not work out. It will leave a bad taste in your mouth.When exchanging money the best route is paypal. If a problem happens they can try and help. Overall the toy community is a good bunch to deal with because they have the same concerns as we do. The feedback section can help make good choices, but not everyone posts there. If you want to proceed just work out all the details with the person before sending. There are rules that everyone are supposed to follow when trading/selling/buying. I suggest to give it a try and see how it works for you.
  3. I don't post here often matter of fact it has been a few years, but I wanted to chime in on the the above post about helping each other out. I have tried to do this before on other sites and come to find out some want you to buy the figure and not want to pay shipping. I mean that i have gotten the figures before and when i calculate the shipping it is more than they want to pay. So you either pay the extra yourself or you have to go though the trouble of returning it, with that said I have had many great deals on this site and others but get bummed but the bad ones. I enjoy helping those who can't find what they want, especially if I can easily get it around me.
  4. I saw Ant Man and Wasp retro figures at Game Stop in Aiken S.C. and an AIM pack On Friday.
  5. I have 2 complete BAF sentinels from ML line if anyone is intrested $85 each plus shipping.
  6. I got Mystique instead on Moonstar and x-force deadpool instead of regular one.I sent an email and they told me that these are worth more because they are variants and they would let me keep them at the same price as the others .They did not offer to replace it.
  7. If any of you guys are intrested in the ML baf sentinels I have 2 complete for $85 plus shipping and one with missing arm for $75 plus shipping. PM if intrested.
  8. Saw them Ross amonth ago.Once they sold they got the non purple ones.But did see the purple ones at TJ MAXX today.I am in SC. Be patient they will show up, unless someone bought them.
  9. Jason1551, did you get my pm about the DD BE 2 pack? I have one if you need it .
  10. I am intrested but do not have anything on your wants list.Is there anything else you need?
  11. When you guys are getting outbid on Foom what is he selling for?
  12. Or just ask me to pick one up at cost plus shipping.I do not think my target sold any.
  13. Yeah I just got mine from katajak today as well and this makes the second flawless transaction with him.Thanks.
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