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Found 8 results

  1. I know it would be easy to repaint the Endgame War Machine into Iron Patriot colors but do you think knowing Hasbro we will get a repaint of the ML Endgame War Machine figure in the future?
  2. Did Robert Downey Jr. just give A clue to Tony Stark's fate in Avengers 4 with this new Audi car commercial? Probably not, but it's still kind of a cool commercial if you like to see how a car is developed. Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters on April 26, 2019.
  3. After weeks of false rumors, Marvel Studios has finally dropped the first trailer for Avengers 4 which has been titled "Endgame". Avengers: Endgame opens in theaters on April 26, 2019. Are you excited?
  4. Marvel Studios is looking to try and sneak in additional characters into Avengers 4 as actress Katherine Langford has filmed scenes for the upcoming Avengers movie in an undisclosed role. As the plot surrounding Avengers 4 is based on rumors and speculations, set photos suggest a time jump. Producer Kevin Feige and directors Anthony and Joe Russo confirmed that the film will serve as a conclusion to the MCU fans have known for the past decade and an entry point to new characters, stories and concepts. Source: THR
  5. Following a leak from the other week, a new image has shown up online giving us a look at what appears more Avengers 4 Hero Vision figures. Shown is this new image is another look at the Thor and Rocket figures wearing the quantum realm suit as well as Cap who will be coming with Captain Marvel. Another interesting thing to note is the Iron Man figure along with a strange purple clad character who could possibly be Pepper Potts in a new suit of armor.
  6. https://marvelousnews.com/266-23823 Via Chris Evans' Twitter account:
  7. A set of all all-new, high-resolution Avengers 4 promotional artwork has been revealed by MCU Cosmic. The images feature Captain America, Carol Danvers, The Hulk Professor, Iron Man, Thor and Rocket. The new movie is scheduled for a release on May 3rd, 2019.
  8. Looks like The Russo Brothers who are directing the next Avengers movie are trying to give us a clue for the as-of-yet unnamed film. Yesterday they posted this image via Twitter with the captain "LOOK HARD". Of course this has caused a lot of guesses from folks but I think it was juliomaster who has come up with the best guess so far. He points out the prop in the Russo Brothers' image is the same one we saw at Avengers HQ during Infinity War. Now what exactly that piece of equipment is or does is another question. Some have speculated maybe its some kind of mini-quantum teleporter like the one seen during the Ant-Man 2 after-credit scene, however that piece of equipment looked totally different. Other theories is that the stuff in the image spell out something. There looks like an E to the far left of the image and the latter in the middle of the floor looks like could be a A. Maybe they have secretly spelled out the title for Avengers 4, who knows. What do you think they are trying to show us here?
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