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  1. Billy and Troy Brownfield let us know that they discovered at their local Target in Indiana the new Marvel Legends movie based Shang-Chi and comic based Tony Stark AI figures. These are part of the Shang-Chi Mr. Hyde Build-A-Figure wave which will be a mix of movie and comic book based figures. While it's very surprising to already be seeing these hit Target stores, the weird thing is that this Target only seemed to get just solid cases of these two figures. Hasbro often offers retailers solid cases for certain figures, but generally only the smaller retailers will order those. It's unusual to see a big box store like Target order solid cases. Billy says the figures scanned up with individual codes in the Target system as opposed to the normal assortment code. There were 5 Shang-Chi figures and 6 AI Tony Stark figures. The Shang-Chi movie is due out in theaters on September 3, 2021, so generally figures like these wouldn't be out until a month or so before the movies release. Of course the movie was originally supposed to be out earlier this year and got delayed due to COVID, which I am sure has screwed up the distribution for these figures. Still Hasbro hasn't even officially announced the Shang-Chi movie figure, and as we reported yesterday, the movie figures in the wave due contain some movie SPOILERS. Shang-Chi himself isn't really that spoilerish and the AI Stark figure is comic based, so I suppose it's possible Hasbro made special arrangements to start shipping the figures out in parts to the big box retailers, starting with the non-spoilers ones. However if that were the case you would think the Civil Warrior figure which is another non-movie figure in the wave would also be hitting stores now. I guess only time will tell how wide spread the release of these two figures actually are and when we will start seeing the rest of the figures in the wave hit shelves as well. Thanks to Billy and Troy for the heads up and image of their find.
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