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About ironspiderman

  • Birthday 07/18/1991

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  • Country
    United States
  • eBay ID
    55555debra (I use my moms)

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. It says hydro man and witch complete. So it seems you're getting 2 figures for 18 bucks pretty much. Why not get it, unless you have scarlet witch too?
  2. So pretty much this is a must have for me. It looks awesome. What do you guys think?
  3. This isnt the first time hes done this. That auction has been put up before and even with the same picture. The only insane thing about this, besides the cash amount, is that he keeps trying to sell this.
  4. BBTS is such a good place. I love shopping there. I do most my action figure shopping on amazon, bbts and ebay.
  5. I'll probably be picking these up. I love most MS toys.
  6. Same here. I mean my old vintage X-Men and Spider-Man stuff look really out of place next to my MS Wolverine and Sabretooth but I'm not gonna throw out my older figures just because of that nor will it stop me from picking up some ML figure simply because the scales don't match up. If I like the figure, I'm gonna buy it. Just my 2 cents. Same here. I'f i like a figure i'll buy it without question. my figures go from like 2 inches to 15. theres a huge gap there and i love having a large selection in toys.
  7. I love marvel select. I buy pretty much everything that they make. i think they are doing a great job. i do wish they would make the larger guys and such, but i have no problem with them making toys that are already made. because they seem to make them better and cooler. with no ml's being made really anyways i think ms is filling the void good enough.
  8. I didnt vote for any of those 3. I'll get deadpool and Valkyrie, but that black widow looks funny to me.
  9. Yeah I only got one tube too. SoI just didnt even put that one on.
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