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3 3/4" sighting and hauls


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I have to find the Fox wave myself. I actually bought the three remaining 6 inch DKs that were pegwarming on the TRU shelf. Lo and behold, that TRU got a shipment in that was the Metroid and Ganondorf wave....which then got sold as soon as it was on the shelf :-/

I thought about doing that, but I didn't think I'd be able to keep my composure if they got them and sold out before I could get there. Not really sure why DK is pegwarming so hard though. He really turned out pretty well.


On the Marvel front, I saw the new MS Hulkbuster at the Disney store. I almost pulled the trigger on him. Does anyone have him? If so, is he fairly sturdy?

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Got Emma,Korg and Chameleon from chinabay.



Heres a work in progress, movie Yellow Jacket comic style(If thats such a thing). Put together for a pic to try and give me more of a drive to complete him. The enamel is killing me.......can't work with this stuff. Anyway paint obviously not done but I like how the kitbash turned out.


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I ended up getting the Disney Playmation set with a couple of figures. they are flimsy compared to the infinity figures but has a little bit of articulation

I'll be picking up MODOK and the Ultron bot for sure. Did you find Super Adaptoid? I haven't seen him yet. If so, how does he look scaled with MU?


super adaptoid is coming next month i think along with black widow, ultron and others. right now they only have iron man, hulk, modok, ultron bot and hulkbuster. and the app became available on my ipad today so more missions and weapons are now available.

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Got my pre-order notice from BBTS. Might wait to ship until some other stuff I am thinking about getting comes in next month. (Fallout Power-Armor figure and the blindbox mini-figs)

Got mine too. They won't ship til Monday or Tuesday though :(. And oh man those Fallout figures are awesome. I wish they'd spread the love to the 1/18th scale.

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I found the 5POA Rampaging Hulk from the Avengers: AoU line. Somebody must have gotten to Vision before me because I didn't find him. I did pick up Rampaging Hulk though.

Are you in the US? What store was it?

Yes, I'm in MA. It was Toys R Us.


I drove around today after volunteering at an event and ended up at a mall that housed a Toys R Us Express. They didn't have anything new, so as I was walking around, I stopped at a place called Go! Toys & Games (apparently run by Calendars.com) and they had Vision! Scooped him up.

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I saw those figures (Vision, Hulk) at Toys R Us, though, in case anyone is hoping to find them at a more readily available store.

Grrrr. Everyone seems to be finding those but me. On that note, has anyone seen the Hawkeye/Falcon TRU set?


I saw the whole case way back in July/August...there were multiples of that 2 pack.

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So I finally got all of wave two and I must say I was not impressed. I was more disappointed than I've been in a long time. here's what I think:


1. Vulture- lack of articulation makes it hard to even put him in flying poses and those wings are simply awful!! They fall out of the arm slots so easily! The head sculpt is the only good thing about this figure IMO. 1/5

2. Armored DD-lack of muscular detail, lack of articulation and boring character choice! Come with one Billie loose and one attached to the left arm?? Wtf!??? 1/5

3. Shanna-decent figure and cool character choice. The hair over the eyes is sort of disappointing. The knife is super flimsy and delicate. Not sturdy at all and very difficult to get in and out do the sheath because of her hair. 3/5

4. Doc Ock- good figure! Tentacles are cool, very sturdy plastic. Lack of articulation is the only downside. 3/5

5. Thunderstrike-cool character choice but the lack of articulation and lack of muscular detail makes him rather boring. The very is cool and remove able.The head has no upward movement. 2/5

6.Spiderman(Miles Morales)- just a repack. Good articulation from the old MU line. He makes the other figure look stiff. Thigh swivel would have been perfect. 3/5

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