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Let me keep my list to 15


1.Firestar - come on now, this is too long overdue.

2. Red Skull - How hard is it to put the Red Skull head on the GR/Star-Lord/AIM buck? And they can do like the Spider-Noir and add the jacket for both looks.

3. Sebastian Shaw - in Victorian attire. And it can double as a Morlun buck

4. Storm - Uncanny X-Men costume - the 1 piece with the thigh boots.

5. Classic Diamondback

6. Sunspot - in X logo uni

7. Cannonball - Ditto - Make them a 2-pack

8. Man-Ape

9. M

10. Northstar

11. Fabian Cortez

12. Avalanche classic

13. Quake

14. Falcon current

15. Nimrod


I'm going to go vanilla here and say that I would really like to see an updated Toad. That Toybiz one is a joke, and I want to be one character closer to finishing up my Brotherhood. Although, I would sell my best friend's oldest child in exchange for a hover chair Xavier, a Jim Lee era Magneto with a mullet, Sauron, or hell, Commando.

  • 5 months later...

i have a huge list in my mind, but these are off the top , i'd love to see these , i know some of them have been made but would love a re-make with the new workings

Howard The Duck (Mech Suit) (BAF) (yeah not comics but, close enough , best way to do howard)
Dragon Man (BAF)
Windigo (BAF)
Hulk 2099 (BAF)
Werewolf By Night
Emplate (BAF)
Bloodscream (Monster Form) (BAF?)
Venom 2099
Venompool (BAF)
Dinah Soar (GLA)
Satana (non boxed set-new version)
Squirrel Girl
Riot (Symbiote)
Hybrid (Symbiote)
Agony (Symbiote)
Phage (Symbiote)
Brood (BAF)
Spinnerette (Mary Jane)
Surtur (BAF)
The Skinless Man
Doorman (Great Lakes Avengers)
Night Thrasher
Shadow King (Monster Form BAF)
Wraith (Yuri)
Some More Poisons from Venomverse



My main want is a Jim Lee Storm from the Blue/Gold team days. And then I want the remainder of the team as well (Gambit, Beast, etc.). I’d also love to see 90’s X-Factor, X-Force and Generation X teams. As well as any villains from that era.


I’d also love to see the Young Avengers and Runaways get done in figure form. I know Nico and Hawkeye have figures but I’d like the rest of the teams. I think BAF Old Lace and BAF Stature series would be fun.

Aside from that, I’d like to see alternate versions of the X-Men (AOA era characters, Mutant X, X-Men 2099, etc).


had some time on my hands, and thought i'd put out some of the other figs that would be nice to have


Beta Ray Bill
Captain America 2099
Crimson Dynamo
Throg (Pack In?)
Electro 2099
Green Goblin 2099
Killmonger (Comic Suit)
Madame Hydra
Eternal Brain
Man Ape (Comic)
Militant (Evil Captain America) (and potentially Tactical Force/Bowman/Hammer)
Morgan Le Fay
Phantom Rider
Sara (Caretaker)
The Presence
Dirty Wolff (BAF)
Stegron (BAF?)
Ursa Major (BAF?)
Human Fly (Yellow Outfit)
M-11 (BAF?) or Rom ?
Old Lace or Devil Dinosaur (BAF)
Shroud (or is this too much like Cloak really?)
Classic Mystique
Living Tribunal (BAF)
Vera Gemini
Death Ninja
Belthauzer (BAF)
Mung The Inconceivable (BAF?)
Demon Bear (BAF) (New Mutants Wave!)
Any of The Luminals
Ghost Rider (Yoshio Kannabe)
Ghost Rider (Bai Gu Jing)
Ghost Rider (Molek)
Ghost Rider (Shoba)
Classic Nebula
Doppelganger (BAF)
Shuma-Gorath (BAF)
Iron Miaden (Vostokoff)
Eternity (BAF)

anything venomized




I think it's really cool when they throw in a random piece to amplify a previous fig, without re-issuing the figure or making a big deal about it. Like the Pork Grind head for example Or when they included that "Onslaught Magneto" head in that one X-Men wave. So I'd love to see some of these accessories thrown into future waves:

-Casual Peter Parker head (No slicked back hair, no beard, just your average comic Pete for ANY of the various Spidey figs we've gotten)
-Web lines, body wrap webbing (You know that new lightning effect? Imagine that, but the size of a figure so that it can engulf the figure and look like spidey 'webbed them up')
-Straight, hard (not actual metal), metallic claws for wolverine hands
-Cash bags and jewelry for villain characters to hold

As for most wanted comic figs?

1. Gambit. Hands down. 90's Jim Lee Gambit
2. Beast. Also 90's styled. But I could deal with Modern Beast.
3. Nightcrawler
4. A cop. Generic cop. We have SHIELD, AIM and HYDRA army builders, but not military or police. Hasbro could even  market it as a 2 pack of Captain Stacy and Jean De Wolfe, with extra generic heads, so they can just be basic, random cops.

1 hour ago, Infinitum said:

I think it's really cool when they throw in a random piece to amplify a previous fig, without re-issuing the figure or making a big deal about it. Like the Pork Grind head for example Or when they included that "Onslaught Magneto" head in that one X-Men wave. So I'd love to see some of these accessories thrown into future waves:

-Casual Peter Parker head (No slicked back hair, no beard, just your average comic Pete for ANY of the various Spidey figs we've gotten)
-Web lines, body wrap webbing (You know that new lightning effect? Imagine that, but the size of a figure so that it can engulf the figure and look like spidey 'webbed them up')
-Straight, hard (not actual metal), metallic claws for wolverine hands
-Cash bags and jewelry for villain characters to hold

As for most wanted comic figs?

1. Gambit. Hands down. 90's Jim Lee Gambit
2. Beast. Also 90's styled. But I could deal with Modern Beast.
3. Nightcrawler
4. A cop. Generic cop. We have SHIELD, AIM and HYDRA army builders, but not military or police. Hasbro could even  market it as a 2 pack of Captain Stacy and Jean De Wolfe, with extra generic heads, so they can just be basic, random cops.

I think we're getting a 90's Gambit this go round. 

We need a modern Beast and we want a Hasbro take on the Jim Lee Beast (If this comes to pass PLEASE Hasbro, you MUST outclass the Toybiz release or you will catch wreck)!

I need to break out my Toybiz Nightcrawler and see if it still measures up like the Beast does. I think he's gone back to that costume.

Your cop suggestion is fantastic! To piggyback, it would also be great to get uniformed police as well (We get Hydra & A.I.M soldiers as well as S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Why not cops?) I can imagine dioramas of  super villains rampaging through cops. I can guarantee this would be an army building frenzy in the making!


Okay, I'm gonna approach this from an angle of another post where I basically theorized that the Avengers will eventually become the comic based waves once this phase of the MCU ends and the X-Men & F4 franchises take center stage. I'm probably breaking protocol, but I'm listing them as entire waves as I've been thinking about these for a long time and arranged them in a way where they wouldn't require more than 2 new sculpts per wave, plus the BAF, which is almost always the formula for every wave that isn't a movie wave, which almost always requires all new sculpts. They are very simplistic waves that could be done very easily at minimal cost. I've often wondered why they haven't tried to do at least one wave like this during non-movie years. Seems like such a waste cuz it works pretty damn well with the Spider-Man waves. This way can fill a lot of holes by making at least 1 Avengers, 1 Captain America & 1 Iron Man wave per year. Here's my suggestions for the first waves.

Avengers Comic Wave:

1. Captain America (current, restored) - Need a new one, the last modern Cap just doesn't hold up to the new crop of figs.

2. Iron Man - Jus cuz they expect to see him. Maybe a new Extremis, cuz as you know, the old one is now a chick.

3. Thor - We need a modern restored version with ANKLE PIVOT at a reasonable size like the Odinson buck.

4. Falcon - This has been one of the most overlooked figures in modern ML. Ya, we got the Captain version but he's back to himself & for God sake, give him wings.

5. Hercules - Similar to Falcon, long overdue. I know Hasbro can knock this one outta the park. The 4" figure was one of the best in the line.

6. Tigra - This is one of the most anticipated figures badly in need of a redo since that last terrible attempt. Don't tone it down too much either. Angela was pretty well received in that sense.

7. Quicksilver - Redo of the old one or a modern look. It's just so ridiculous, this mutant vs Avenger thing. He's an Avenger. They can't keep bringing up the talk about doing an Avengers Beast & then say "No we can't do Firestart or Quicksilver cuz they're mutants."

BAF - Hulk, just freakin' Hulk. Not the McGuiness version, no Doc Green on a BS MCU buck. Just a be all/end all, perfect, all arguments off, definitive Hulk on the Ragnarok Hulk buck. Even include an Amadaeus Cho head swap if you wanna round out that Champions roster, tho technically I think they're 2 different shades of green, but who cares.


Iron Man Comic Wave:

1. Iron Man - Any Iron Man, just cuz he has to be there. Silver Centurion or Superior armors haven't been done by Hasbro yet. Let's start there.

2. Crimson Dynamo - Yes, I know they already did one & made a pretty good effort but that figure was quite flimsy or rubbery (weird) & it just doesn't scale with the current figures.

3. Maria Hill - Give her the Nick Fury treatment & include a Slingshot head swap with some attachable forearm cybernetics & a standard issue SHIELD helmeted female head and we get triple value & multiple sales. It's almost a no-brainer.

4. Living Laser - This is such an easy figure to make out of existing bucks. The 4" line showed us how good you can make reused molds look.

5. Mandarin - Just do this already. Every one done to this point has been a massive deuce. There's not much to compare to.

6. War Freakin' Machine - Again, I can't believe this is an issue. Just get it done. (PS, I lied. I guess this one will require a 3rd new sculpt)

7. Whiplash - Two Vankos in a wave? Who cares. They're both cool characters in need of the plastic treatment

BAF: Titanium Man - Again, I know he's been done and similar to Dynamo, he was done well for the time, but it's a better time for ML now and we need a new one and an awesome version of the big menacing one would be great. Maybe even do a Gremlin mini figure behind the chest plate.


Captain America Comic Wave:

1. Hydra Cap - I know it was short lived but it beats the hell outta that lame concept art Secret Mission Cap they did before.

2. USAgent - Yes, another that's been done before but it was on the wrong buck & we all know it. Update it on the Reaper buck or even the Hyperion or Odinson buck.

3. Sharon Carter (white uniform) - Just as with Maria Hill, include a Quake head swap with arm bracers & a SHIELD helmeted head. This is pure gold guys.

4. Diamondback - This is another one that would be so easy using any number of the existing molds.

5. Winter Soldier - Some people think the MCU version looks enough like the comic version to suffice, but I'm not one of them. It's like saying the MCU Iron Man is good enough to serve as the comic IM. They're just two different looks.

6. Crossbones - The last one was way too big and on a horribly dated mold. He's big, but he shouldn't be much bigger than the Odinson buck.

7. Nomad - Another easy repaint using any number of existing molds. Maybe the ANAD Spidey 2099 buck.

BAF: Bushmaster - Another one for the Serpent Society. My first instinct was for MODOK, but in all actuality the TB one still holds up very well. Can Hasbro out do it? Probably, but let's concentrate on the ones that haven't been made yet.


There’s a lot of great characters in these posts, a LOT. 

In order for my post to not just be 297 characters deep (mostly X-Men & Spidey related), I’m gonna whip up a super quick & “small” list right off the top of my head. Also, any legend pre-dating 2014 Infinite Series should be eligible for a re-do imo.

Doppleganger BAF

Stilt Man BAF

The Wheel BAF

The Wall BAF

WarStar BAF

Tusk BAF

Kurse BAF








Crossbones re-do


Bradstreet MAX Punisher

Marvel Now Punisher

Marvel Legacy Punisher in War Machine Armor. If done right, that would probably my favorite Marvel Legend of all time lol.




Xorn re-do

Mole Man re-do

Kang re-do

Animated Series 90s all white Storm (“my storm”)

David Finch style Moon Knight

Marvel Now Moon Knight


Silver Samurai

Lady Deathstrike re-do


Comic Loki

MCU Malekith


Madame Hydra


Agents of Shield characters...show is so damn good.

And before I eat my words, I should probably just stop there.

  • 3 months later...

Id love to see a  Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider Bagley designed suit,

A proper comic accurate Superior Spider-Man with mech legs as well as Superior Octopus.

Future Foundation suit on the new spidey body

Last Stand Spider-man

Ps4 Spider-man.


Cosmic Ghost Rider with bike






5 hours ago, Scarletspdr said:

Id love to see a  Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider Bagley designed suit,

A proper comic accurate Superior Spider-Man with mech legs as well as Superior Octopus.

Future Foundation suit on the new spidey body

Last Stand Spider-man

Ps4 Spider-man.


Cosmic Ghost Rider with bike






PS4 Spider-man is a gamestop exclusive out next month or two.

9 minutes ago, mako said:

I still want Marvel Legends versions of the Marvel Rising characters.

Squirrel Girl and Quake are longtime wants on ALOT of people's lists and far to long in coming.

America Chavez? Yeah, I don't know why myself, I just want one.

Toss in a Lockjaw BAF for good measure, and maybe an Inferno. Is he actually in the comics or strictly toons.


Inferno is part of the new Inhumans after the Inhumanity story line. He was part of Crystal's team. You may have seen him in X-Men Versus Inhumans



A comic Mordo

A comic and MCU Wong


i want a good classic Thor 

mans a good classic/ regular Hulk you know? Like a definitive version of the regular green Hulk in purple ripped pants that can work with just about any comic display. 

Those are some I can just think off the top of my head. 


I still feel cheated by never getting that X-Men Legacy Rogue from five or six years ago.  Now that they have better bodies in their arsenal and can clearly do better female headsculpts, I want a new Legacy Rogue even more.

I also really want Hasbro to take another shot at a Tim Bradstreet style Punisher.

The rest of my list is as follows:

Squirrel Girl and Enigma from USAvengers, Howard the Duck, and a classic Scourge of the Underworld.



9 hours ago, mako said:

Pretty sure that one is on EVERYBODY'S list. At least it is on mine.

Yeah I know right? Seems like we can’t just get a good sized Hulk with good articulation. And with a cool look that can work with any comic display. 

The only one I really like is the 2-pack one from Toybiz but it’s kinda small compared to the more modern legends. The HASBRO twonpack one kinda works but is just too stylized. And the selects are great! But lack articulation. 

Figuarts are only movie. Which is cool but I want a good classic comic Hulk! 

I think we’ll get one pretty soon though. With this avengers wave coming and that new body revealed for Caliban can easily be made into a Hulk. 


1. Dr. Doom. My F4 need some villains to fight.

2. Classic Hulk

3. Classic Thor

4. Classic Loki (Revealed at Paris Comic Con 2018)

5. Mandarin

6. Nightcrawler. Toy Biz's was awesome but a bit outdated.

7. Jim lee Storm.

8. Falcon

9. Super Skrull

10. Silver Samurai

On 7/17/2018 at 2:18 PM, monron999 said:

Okay, I'm gonna approach this from an angle of another post where I basically theorized that the Avengers will eventually become the comic based waves once this phase of the MCU ends and the X-Men & F4 franchises take center stage.

Old post, but I'm pretty sure the Avengers movies aren't going anywhere. They had a Black Panther film that just broke a billion dollars and hit Spider-Man and Doctor Strange movies, with a hotly anticipated Captain Marvel flick out next year. If that's not the makings of a New Avengers line-up, I don't know what is.

Anyway, my most wanted:

- Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)

- Armor (BAF)

- Squirrel GIrl

- Shang-Chi

- Nimrod (BAF)

- Miss America

- Sunspot

- Graviton 

- Living Lightning

- Echo

- Blue Marvel

- Silver Samurai

- Iron Patriot (Toni Ho)

- Dark Hawkeye (Bullseye)

- Dark Spider-Man (Mac Gargan)

- Dark Ms. Marvel (Karla Sofen) 

36 minutes ago, americamgl said:

1. Dr. Doom. My F4 need some villains to fight.

2. Classic Hulk

3. Classic Thor

4. Classic Loki (Revealed at Paris Comic Con 2018)

5. Mandarin

6. Nightcrawler. Toy Biz's was awesome but a bit outdated.

7. Jim lee Storm.

8. Falcon

9. Super Skrull

10. Silver Samurai

I second all of this but I would add:

Lady Deathstrike

Mr Sinister

Dani Moonstar


Strong Guy


And updated Warpath

12 minutes ago, watanabefan said:

Old post, but I'm pretty sure the Avengers movies aren't going anywhere. They had a Black Panther film that just broke a billion dollars and hit Spider-Man and Doctor Strange movies, with a hotly anticipated Captain Marvel flick out next year. If that's not the makings of a New Avengers line-up, I don't know what is.

Anyway, my most wanted:

- Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)

- Armor (BAF)

- Squirrel GIrl

- Shang-Chi

- Nimrod (BAF)

- Miss America

- Sunspot

- Graviton 

- Living Lightning

- Echo

- Blue Marvel

- Silver Samurai

- Iron Patriot (Toni Ho)

- Dark Hawkeye (Bullseye)

- Dark Spider-Man (Mac Gargan)

- Dark Ms. Marvel (Karla Sofen) 

Good call on Armor and Sunspot

8 minutes ago, JKenbok said:

I second all of this but I would add:

Lady Deathstrike

Mr Sinister

Dani Moonstar


Strong Guy


And updated Warpath

I second your list!!! Definetely need to get Lady Deathstrike and Mr. Sinister. I have been looking at Warpath on Ebay but he is so expensive.


Haha, I looked back at the posts when this topic was first started and giggled at all the characters that have been crossed off the lists.  What a time to be a marvel legends fan...

Anyhoo, here’s my shortlist of most-wants, categorized by team/line

Thor Legends





Skurge the executioner


Surtur (BAF)

X-Men Legends



Mr. Sinister

Dazzler (Arcade game costume)


Beast (Jim Lee)

Goblin Queen

Nimrod (BAF)

Spiderman Legends



Daredevil (armored costume)


obligatory Spider-Man (anti-electro armor)


Hydro-Man (BAF)


I have other wants (like more Alpha Flight!) but this’ll do for now :P

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